Compassionate Service Society

Donation to Compassionate Service Society

As with other non-profit organizations, CSS maintains its activities thanks to the generous contribution of its members and other benefactors. Most of the services of the Society are provided for free or a nominal fee. All members are volunteers who contribute with an earnest desire for compassionate service.

Thanks to your help, the Society can continue its mission to serve others. Please support CSS in our continuing effort to foster an environment for individuals to evolve and progress toward a more integral self in all aspects of body, mind, and spiritual identity.

All contributions are tax-deductible by law. Compassionate Service Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #95-4846700.


If you prefer to donate by check, please send your check made payable to:

Compassionate Service Society
P.0. Box 18794
Anaheim, CA 92817


English | Tiếng Việt

Donation Type and Amount

Donation To: Operational Fund
     To fund all expenses related to running CSS on a daily basis

Capital Fund
     To maintain, renovate, and purchase properties and equipments

Apps Fund
     To develop and maintain our apps

World Peace Gathering Fund
     To organize yearly World Peace Gathering

Avatamsaka Online School
     To develop and maintain our Avatamsaka Online School

Alms giving
     To give alms (to Sangha)

Donation Type: One time donation
    (choose this if you want to make a one-time donation)

Regular donation
    (choose this to donate on a regular basis. You will be billed automatically)
(U.S. Dollars)

Specify (10-50000)
Donate every: month  
3 months  
6 months  
Automatically donate: until I cancel

12 times (1 year)
24 times (2 years)
36 times (3 years)
48 times (4 years)
until I cancel

4 times (1 year)
8 times (2 years)
12 times (3 years)
16 times (4 years)
20 times (5 years)
until I cancel

2 times (1 year)
4 times (2 years)
6 times (3 years)
8 times (4 years)
10 times (5 years)
until I cancel

2 times (2 years)
3 times (3 years)
4 times (4 years)
5 times (5 years)
6 times (6 years)
7 times (7 years)
10 times (10 years)

Review and Send

  Please review then click the donate button below.

You will be taken to the PayPal website to complete the donation. (You do not need to have a PayPal account, only a credit card or bank account.)

© 2017 Compassionate Service Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.